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Although Nursing is an all-natural process but doesn’t mean it’s an easy task. Few common mistakes are associated with breastfeeding which makes by new moms unknowingly which can ruin milk supply. But nothing to worry about if there are problems – solutions are there, how to prevent and resolve these common breastfeeding mistakes?

No matter how experienced you’re with breastfeeding but always there is a learning curve. I have put my personal tips to avoid these common breastfeeding mistakes that may happen mostly, with new moms.

Common Breastfeeding Mistakes And How To Fix These

1. Common breastfeeding mistakes is to avoid pain

common breastfeeding mistakes

Mostly, new moms avoid nipple pain while feeding their newborns. But you know it’s a sign that something is wrong and necessary to give attention to it ASAP.

Breastfeeding is like any other function of our body like breathing. If we feel any problem while respiration, or any other normal body function. What do we do? Do we visit our doctor? Yes, Of course, we visit our doctor to figure out what is going wrong?

Nipple Pain indicates that something is wrong with the latch. Sometimes it can be fixed on your own by addressing the angle you’re nursing at. But the best is to the consulate the lactation who help you to solve this one of the common breastfeeding mistakes.

But if the pain is around your breasts not hurt your nipple, then it may be vasospasms, which feels like burning sensation in your breasts.

What is Vasospasms?

common breastfeeding mistakes

It is referred to, as a sudden contraction feels on the wall of an artery.  It causes the artery to become narrow and reduces the flow of blood which runs through it.

The most common areas where vasospasms occur is a woman’s breasts. It is caused due to poor and tight latch. When the blood flow returns when a baby is stopped to latch your breasts, the burning sensation starts up-its like a prick of pins and needles.

Poor Latch Results

common breastfeeding mistakes

Don’t ignore the pain, because due to poor latch your baby isn’t fully draining your breasts which could lead to blocked ducts or mastitis – a kind of infection in your breasts.

The very next drawback of the poor latch is Milk-flow issues. The latch is itself can unblock the milk supply. In the early days of breastfeeding, hormones help elevate milk supply.

But usually, what we’ll see later after two, three or four months, what we call it late-onset slow milk supply as our baby grows rapidly and now he sucks effectively. And the mother’s body needs to produce more milk for her child.

But if these signals are weak and the body cannot understand that it needs to make more milk. The result may be a letdown.

These letdowns become shorter and shorter. Babies will start to come off soon from breasts during feeding because the flow is too slow which causes –  a baby fussy.

As the baby is not full, what we tend to see he crying a lot and might be not sleeping as long for hours. So, the parents have sleep deprivation. A poor latch is the most dangerous common breastfeeding mistakes. 

2. Common Breastfeeding Mistakes -Ignoring your own thirst and hunger

common breastfeeding mistakes

Really, nursing can steal a lot from your body, the blood, the bones, the muscle. Then only breasts milk supply be fine. But mom feels nutrient deficiencies if she not taking good care and vitamins enough. 

If you’re one of them then it can affect you physically and mentally. You may feel tired and exhausted all day. Already you’re sleep deprived, your baby is fussy because of a letdown. Your baby is not allowing you to take much care of yourself.

So, as a safety net, take prenatal vitamins as long as you’re feeding your newborn to keep your nutrition level high. You can take advice from your doctor to keep you healthy and energetic during breastfeeding journey.

3. Mistake-Ignoring the possibility of Tongue Tie

A baby with a Tongue Tie may not be able to open his mouth widely and cannot latch properly. It affects a baby’s ability to suck breast milk.

Often tongue-tie is dismissed as not being a tongue-tie Or mother thinks it is not a big deal. But if the baby is not sucking properly just investigate your baby’s tongue’s upward mobility. Its only back end part of the tongue that does a majority sucking job.

Your lactation consultant will explain to you better about tongue-tie. One major sign of a tongue tie is how often baby suck. Because of tongue-tied babies feed in a short amount of time during letdown only, and then they can’t get anymore.

Tongue-tie may affect the milk supply and can decrease the signal to the body to make sufficient milk. Tongue-tie likes a slow knock to the door,it depends upon you may or may not answer that slow knock and opens the door. 

4. Mistakes – assuming that if your baby falls asleep during feeding, he’s full

It’s not a big deal that baby falls asleep at the breast but if the baby wakes up within a half-hour and begins to eat again then something goes wrong. So, there is a need to improve the efficiency of breastfeeding.

If the baby frequently sleeps at the breast without being full as they are not getting enough milk and putting out more energy than they’re getting in return. They get tired and sleep down.

But it’s not necessary that there is a breastfeeding problem unless the baby is not showing a sign of good health, like gaining enough health and doing pees or poos.

I know mothers never want their baby to lose weight. So, you’ll get a bit of longer break to feed your baby properly. Let’s do a put-down test – if your baby is full he falls asleep for hours without a swaddle or a pacifier.

But if they squirm and squawk, pick them up and stick with your tummy. He may burp or settle in your lap because he needs your comfy lap or soft touch which is completely normal.

If he again starts to find your boob or suck his own hands, it means he is still hungry. A baby who’s nibbling a lot and has poor latch isn’t giving any signal to your body to produce more milk.

To get them more, you use breast compressions to keep your milk flowing and switch on another side of the breast when he slows down. Thus he continues to drink instead of nibbling. 

5. Most common breastfeeding mistakes-to allow someone else to define nursing success for you 

One of the biggest mistakes-depends upon others to set breastfeeding goals for you! This means you can set yourself up for serious disappointment.

“With breastfeeding and parenting, we can look at intent over impact,” says Pickett,” and if it is your intent to do the best you can for your baby, it doesn’t matter what that looks like. If you’re doing your absolute best, if your goal was one thing and you couldn’t make that work, then we just shift our goals.”

Similarly, some find it manageable, and others find a challenge. Do the best for your family. “With frequent  feeds at night, some parents are just like-alright, so we’ll bedshare and I won’t even notice how frequently my baby nurses, and that’s fine with me.’ Another mom might look at that situation and be like ‘I won’t even continue breastfeeding if I have to deal with that,” says Pickett. “There’s no right or wrong. There’s no one way to do it.”

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