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Can A Man Sleep With A Woman Without Developing Feelings

A very awkward question that most women face in their lifetime is- Can A man Sleep With A woman Without Developing Feelings? The answer is “YES.” A man can sleep with a woman of any age without awakening feelings of love.

After many years, I also understood that he did not love me, just like sleeping with me. I went crazy knowing this. It was a bitter truth that the person I wanted with all my heart was only interested in sleeping with me.

Even thinking about my man’s nature hurts a lot in my heart. If you are here on my blog post, you are also asking the same question can a man sleep with a woman without developing feelings?

 There is nothing to worry about— when you reach the end of this blog post, you will understand the nature of a guy and get rid of your pain. Let’s dive into the article:-

Can A Man Sleep With A Woman Without Developing Feelings or being Emotionally attached?

 In my opinion, not all but only a few men feel emotional connection with a woman. I’m not blaming the all-male community that they easily get ready to sleep with any woman without developing feelings.

But yes, many  man sleep with a woman without developing feelings. It is not necessary that sexual relatioship, makes a man develop feeling for co-sleeper. Sexual relationship is a separate topic, and emotional connection is a different issue.

The strong evidence is sex workers are present all over the world. Where , Men can fulfil their desires easily without developing feelings for the sex worker.

Why do men sleep around?

A solid reason for men to intimate with women is that men produce several million sperm per day and it is necessary to release these sperm. Because if sperms are stored inside for a long, it causes much damage to the body.

There are several side effects if men store sperms inside the body for a long time.. Below is the fact, why sex is so important for a man that’s why they can sleep with a woman without producing love feelings? According to – What happens when sex becomes infrequent?

When sperm is stored inside the body for too long, it causes damage to DNA. Sperms in the body are too sensitive to heat and exposure.

When released after a long time, their mobility is affected by heat and radiation. As a result, the sperms released are of an abnormal shape, low in count and low mobility, which contribute to male infertility.

Can a man sleep with a woman without developing feelings?

man enjoying sleeping with a woman

  • Men show their strength via sex
  • Men always consider sex as a celebration
  • Man’s ego is connected with sex
  • Sex improves a man’s sperm quality
  • Men feel refresh and energetic when they sleep with women
  • A man releases stress during sleeping with a woman
  • He wants to realize the sperms that cause trouble to him

Here is a great discussion on Quora – Do men love you more after having sex?

On the Contrary, Do Girls Get Attached After Sex? 

girls attached after having sex

The short and sweet answer is “YES.” They Do! While emotional girls and women do get attached to men easily after physical intimacy, that’s not the case with every woman out there. 

Some women enjoy the luxury of a casual relationship, and there’s nothing wrong with that as long as it’s mutual.

Problems occur when you don’t discuss your feelings when you have casual relationship. Women often get hurt without knowing their partner’s true intentions and if they share the same feelings.

Because women are a little different than men, women are taught differently in Society. Most women stay home and follow their mother, elder sister, or sister-in-law. As a mother always serves, her husband or sister-in-law is doing a lot for her partner.

Blame on the love hormones Oxytocin

After two or three meetings you feel emotionally connected with your partner. Because when you both are enjoying sex, a chemical hormone, Oxytocin releases.

Oxytocin known as love hormone and produces during sex and affect on both the human being during intimacy.

These hormones are linked with trust, loyalty and bonding, and produce good feelings for a woman or man during intercourse.

Unfortunately girls always get a bigger dose of Oxytocin (just kidding) But erotic friend doesn’t! Blame to these Oxytocin hormones, women feel good and become crazy for a him.

 Do guys catch feelings after hooking up?

Oxytocin that known as good hormones affects guys also. Yes, like women, guys also get emotionally attached after sexual relationship and develop emotional feelings for a woman.

Below are a few fun facts how attachment is driven by oxytocin hormones:-

  • An eye contact for a longer time make him feel love for you
  • He try to make you happy all the time
  • He insist to spend a longer time with you
  • Frequently, he texts you that he’s thinking about you
  • He hold your hand in public and always seems possessed for you
  • He makes you comfortable in the restaurant and bring all the things himself without asking you
  • He willingly to listen you and like your talkative nature
  • He answers your phone calls no matter how busy he is!

    Reasons why girls get attached easily after having sex?

    • BecauseYou’re involved in physical intimacy very soon habitually.
    • You start worrying soon about your new relationship
    • You’re afraid of loneliness
    • You want to get married and settle down
    • After sleeping with a guy, girls start seeing their life partner as co-sleeper.
    • Women start to feel safe with the man
    • The one with whom the girl sleeps wants to be the father of her children.
    • After sleeping with the man, she starts decorating her dream world in a single night.

    What To Do If A Girl Attached After Sleeping a Guy, even If she Barely Knows Him?

    • Think twice about your casual Sex Relationship, is that right for you?
    • Develop some positive awareness when you sleep with someone
    • Fix a guideline for yourself about a casual relationship
    • Tell your co-sleeper that you’re interested only in the casual sex
    • Don’t get physically intimacy, if you get attracted quickly
    • Limit your alcohol consumption on dates
    • Spend time with your family and friends
    • Don’t get physical very soon with anybody

    I also faced the same situation and tried my best to find out why I get attracted to someone after having sex.  When I was very young, 20 or 21 years old, I fell in love with a man older than me, when I got older, I fell in love with a man younger than myself!

What a strange riddle we women are! Aren’t? Why the woman not be a erotic friend only? Perhaps nature has made us like this, because we have to nurture this world. Men are only worried about releasing their sperms (kidding). According to love hormone are responsible for  emotional attachment.

 Times of India – Describe what are the Reasons why men lose interest in women!

Signs a man hasn’t developed feelings after having sex with you


man deveroping feelings after sleeping with a woman

The time spent between four walls in a closed room does not develop feelings of love. A mature man/woman knows this.

Still, why we ladies don’t accept the reality? But we’re only scratching our head and asking question can a man catch feelings for a woman after having sex?

There are many things that indicate he has no feelings for you. No matter how many times he has slept with you! Times of India – Now guy doesn’t call after having sexual activities. Times of India Describe what are the Reasons why men lose interest in women! 

When you meet a guy, you aren’t attached him emotionally and you seem cool and calm all the time. But once you start dating each other, you tend to become more emotional.

Your feelings will start to flow, which is quite natural for women. Men start to sense how quickly the you move from carefree to serious relation. And when they notice the alarm, they don’t know how to respond and so they pull away.

You was dating a person and had sex with him. But now it seems he’s avoiding you. He doesn’t call after you sleep with him! It’s very awkward and emotionally disturbing situation. because he doesn’t develop feelings for a woman.

Sleeping together but not dating

How does it sound? Fantastic rules of the modern age! How can it be that you sleep together and no feelings come?

Closeness makes a person deeply connected! But one of the two falls in love. Whether they expresses it or not! A very strange situation happens when you are not in a emotional connection, it was just a casual relationship, but you fell in love!

What do you think? How do you end up in this messy situation, happily, or do you burst into tears with heartbreak? Share what you’re feeling for your co-sleeper and ask if your co-sleeper develop feelings for you too.

Hope you like my suggestion. You can write me and share what’s your problem. I can suggest you a better option. Quora discussion clear the topic in detail

Signs a man hasn’t developed feelings after sleeping with you

Men and women are fine mixtures of emotions. Sexual relationship is one of these EMOTIONS; many think through sex you can emotionally attached. But for many, co-sleeping is a physical pleasure. Sex definition is different for everyone.

Females fall in love with opposite gender after having sex. It’s tricky to untangle the truth about men, whethersex make a man catch feelings for a woman. Many men are shy and are unable to express their feelings.

If a guy doesn’t call after you sleep with him, he has many doubts:-

  • May be he is  afraid of being rejected!
  • He’s not stable financially
  • First he wants to secure the future
  • He loves you but not ready for commitment

He slept with me and now wants to be friends 

It happens when good friends come close because of physical attraction and sleep together. After some time, your friend does not develop feelings after sex and wants to keep the friendship as before.

If you already fallen in love with him! Now What! We take an example of friends with benefits, both of you enjoy sexual relatioship when needed.

That means you fulfil your physical need and spend quality time together without commitment. These friends with benefits knows as “booty call” or F*ck buddy”

But one of the two falls in love while sleeping together, and your friend is not committed for a deep relationship as per rule. It means there is a rift in the friendship! Casually sleeping also develops the feeling of love.

Obviously, he doesn’t want to sleep with you again because he’s not committed for any relationship. It’s not  necessary that all feel the same as you. You can engage in many interesting activities like traveling and keeping pets, writing biography, or blogging to entertain yourself. 

Can A Man Forget A Woman He Slept With?

It depends upon how much he likes you? Or he’s with you only to share bed? If you think that he likes you after having sex and the guy is emotionally attached with you once. Many men get ready to intimate once with any woman whether they know her or not.

However, many women feel attachment to men with whom they slept. But it is not necessary man develop feelings after sexual relationship.

Answer is, Yes, he can! One night stands is not enough a guy is emotionally attached with you. One night stand is good for sexual relationshi to complete physical desire.

  • An indecent person wants to complete his physical desire and after completing the desire, he goes away without develop feelings for you.
  • Some men unsure of what they want in their relationships emotional attraction or emotional connection.
  • Many of them think that deeper emotions can make them slave of the women and they may loose their freedom. So, he can share bed with you without develop feelings.

How do guys not catch feelings?

  • Hopefully he assumed it as a One-Night-Stand
  • He’s a play boy and slept with lot of women, in modern days they known as a Romeo, a player, or a F-boy
  • He doesn’t want serious relationship but you make him feel, you get attached with him
  • He’s uncertain if you want him again or not
  • Maybe he has a girl friend or someone else, so he back step
  • He doesn’t feel comfortable with you in the bed
  • Maybe after spending the night with you, his hands have stopped moving or he has had a paralysis attack

How to Tell if a Guy Is Not developing His Feelings for You?

  • He never introduces you to his friends and family
  • And he’ll be confined to a closed room with you
  • He will never show love in bed; only he will keep busy fulfilling his physical needs.
  • He’ll never ask you for a real date
  • He will chastise every girl even though you are with him
  • You never get any gift or praising words from him
  • After completing his desire, he left the place immediately
  • He’ll never wish your b’day or any other festival
  • He never makes a phone call himself
  • he never texts love messages to you
  • He never shows his feelings for you
  • He has no interest in your problems
  • Sometimes he insists on oral sex
  • Your boyfriend won’t tell you who he’s slept with 

Many more things are there to share with you. How does a guy want casual sex instead of serious relationships? Because many guys love to attach sexually only.

 How to have a casual relationship without getting hurt? 

I think casual sex is more reliable than any emotional attraction. Because casual sex never offers committed relationship.

In Casual sex two strange people or friend with benefit meet to enjoy the sexual and intimacy behaviour, nothing else. No emotional attachment, no commitment for a long relationship. Just like you met someone an hour before and have a physical relationship.

Eric W. Dolan write very nice article on casual sex and mentioned important facts on casual relationship. According study author Ryan Anderson from Monash University

You can find the valuable information on casual sex at

Below are a few points to consider that save yourself from hurting in casual sex:-

  • Think twice about your casual Sex Relationship, is that right for you?
  • Develop some positive awareness with whom you’re having sex
  • Fix a guidelines for yourself about casual relationship
  • Tell your co-sleeper that you’re interested only in the casual sex
  • Don’t get physically intimate if you get attracted quick
  • Limit your alcohol consumption on dates
  • Spend time with your family and friends
  • Know your strength and don’t scare of being alone
  • Don’t get physical very soon with anyone

Is it okay to be dating a man who has slept around?

Every life has its own past and a story of that past. Now in the past he/she slept with 100 of times with different partners. SO what? His/her character is not defined because of past.

You are dating a person who has had a lot of physical relations in the past. But that person is committed to you and want a long term relationship with you. He loves you badly and care about you.

Here is the beautiful conversation on Quora for a man who has slept around.

Sleeping together but not dating

How does it sound sleeping together but not dating? Fantastic rules of the modern age! How can it be that you sleep together and no feelings come? 

Having sex makes a person very deeply connected! And one of the two falls in love. Whether he expresses it or not!

A very strange situation happens when you are in a serious relationship, and your partner wants sex with no commitment. it was just a casual relationship, but you fell in love! 

Now you forced to think can a man sleep with a woman without developing feelings?

What do you think? How do you end up in this messy situation, happily, or do you burst into tears with heartbreak?

Share what you’re feeling for your co-sleeper and ask if he has developed feelings for you too.

If not, you should stop this fun relationship and stop sleeping together. You can save yourself from unnecessary mental pressure. Hope you like my suggestion.

You can write me and share what’s your problem. I can suggest you a better option.  Here is Quora discussion that clear the topic in detail-can a man sleep with a woman without developing feelings?


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